Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and reviewing our legal disclaimer note.

Any images, information or text and graphic designs on the website will pertain to the sole use of Monitech Education only. The images, text and designs should not be copied, mirrored or reproduced in any of the web page or website. On any such reproduction whether whole or part of our website, constitutes to be violating our “Terms & Conditions” and the violator will be pursued by the terms of laws. The information provided in the website is for the general purpose of our clients, end-users and other visitors. Our professionals will endeavor to keep the information up-to-date and correct.


In Monitech Education, we make every effort to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate and up to date, but no legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or misleading statements. monitech is not responsible for guarantee the accuracy of information on the sites that it does not manage and for the inclusion of hyperlinks endorsed. We make no representation or warranty whether implied or express, for the information or files available in the website are free of viruses, destructive materials or any code that corrupt, compromise the operation or content of the computer system or network or hardware or software.

Process for our terms violation

Intimation via email or phone will be made to the concern person regarding removal of content within 2 business days. If the party fails to do so, the issue will be taken to the web hosting company about terms violation. (OR) Monetary claim notice will be sent for the damages on stealing the content from our website. Still no response, a DMCA complain will be made to Google to remove the pages from search results. Report to other online scam alert websites.