Creative Web Design

A creative, website design combined with advanced web development techniques ensures that your business website is successful in the market and is well positioned to increase the speed of business growth. Our strategic user experience considerations help us deliver highly usable websites which are both visually appealing and functionally precise.

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About Web Design Training Program in Monitech:

Monitech Education offers real-time and placement-oriented Python training in Hosur. Our course is much focused-on student requirement and makes them interview ready. As part of the training, you will get live projects for practice Course completion certificate with interview ready mock exams.

The project is the most important thing of this course as you will get real-time exposure and can understand the website behavior in a better way.

Web Design & Development Course:

Getting started - Why should you learn Web design & development?

Web is the future! Websites have now become an important tool for a business in increasing its sales & revenue, as most of the customers today make their purchase decision based on the company’s website. The web designing & development industry is growing rapidly.

What is website design?

In simpler terms, website design means planning, constructing and updating of websites. In technical terms, web designing is the process of creating a site, where the process involves information architecture, web graphic design, website structure, user interface, navigation ergonomics, website layout, colors, contrasts, fonts, images & icons, authoring using standardized codes, user experience design & Search engine optimization.

What is web development?

Once the website is designed, you may want to make it more purposeful & interactive by adding few functions like Lead generation form, Chat option, Discussion board, Auto-calculations, Data storage etc. The task of coding or programming that enables website functionality is termed as Web development & it mainly deals with the non-design aspect of building websites. Web development ranges from creating plain text pages to complex Web-based applications, client-side/server-side scripting, social network applications, electronic business applications, network security configuration etc.

Our web design training program is designed in such a manner that you will get in-depth knowledge of all the mentioned topics above to become a successful developer. Our goal is to take care of your career and show you the right path to success.This web design & development course is totally job-oriened with more prominence being given to practical sessions. Our skilled trainers will help you to succeed and get placed in top companies.

Live Project Work:

By the end of the web design & development course, the student would have worked on few real-time projects as part of his/her training program, & they would receive regular assessment of their works from the industry professionals. We assist the students in designing & developing an advanced website as their final project, which would serve as their showreel & help them secure a good job.

Jobs & Placement Facilities in Monitech:

100+ Companies tie-up for placement. We provide training based on real time projects by real time industry experienced trainer.

  • Introdution to Photoshop
  • Photoshop Tools & Layout Design
  • Understanding Grid System
  • Understanding Various Design Layout
  • Creating Layouts using Grid System
  • Understanding Color Palette
  • Working with Styles
  • Automation
  • Animation using Photoshop
  • Slicing Layouts & Preparing for HTML Conversion

  • Introduction to Web Technology & Web Editors
  • HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript - Introduction to the Core Concepts
  • Bootstrap / jQuery - Introduction to Frameworks
  • Whats New in HTML5?
  • HTML5 Doctype / HTML5 Document Structure
  • UTF-8 Character Encoding
  • HTML Character Entities
  • Head Tag and Elements inside the Head Tag
  • Meta Tags & What are they used for?

  • Creating a Website Project in Dreamweaver
  • Understanding Basic Tags / Elements and Attributes
  • Working with Basic Tags and Font Formatting Tags
  • Understanding Block Level Tags, Inline Tags & Empty Tags
  • Introduction to CSS3 / Types of CSS and Significance
  • Heading Tags
  • Paragraph Tags & Multiple Columns
  • Adding Basic Styles using HTML Attributes and CSS Styles
  • Importing External Fonts
  • Inserting Images & Image Attributes
  • Working with Image Sprites
  • Working with Links & Link Attributes / Link States using Pseudo Classes

  • Working with Lists & List Attributes
  • Understanding CSS Selector
  • Creating Navigation Bars using Lists
  • Working with Tables & Table Attributes
  • HTML5 Table Elements
  • Styling Tables using CSS & CSS Selectors

  • Understanding Blocks - Div Block
  • Styling Div Blocks
  • Understanding Box Model - Margins / Paddings / Borders / Border-Radius / Outlines
  • Adding Box Shadows / Text Shadows
  • Positioning Div Blocks & HTML Elements
  • Adding Background Colors / Gradients / Background Images
  • CSS Overflow Property

  • Understanding Document Outline in HTML5
  • HTML5 Semantic Tags
  • Semantic Elements for Document Outlining
  • Keypoints about Document Outlining

  • Media Queries Common Device Breakpoints
  • Meta Viewport Tag
  • Better Understanding the Grid System to Design Responsive Websites
  • Apply Media Queries Based on Viewport Sizes
  • Adjusting Layout Based on Orientation

  • Flex Display Type
  • Order
  • Flex Direction
  • Flex Grow
  • Flex Wrap
  • Flex Shrink
  • Align Flex Content

  • Keyframes & Animation Property
  • Animation Timing Functions
  • Animation Delay
  • Multi Step Transitions
  • Animation Iteration Count
  • Animation Iteration Count
  • Animation Direction
  • Cross Browser Animation Support

  • 2D Transforms
  • 3D Transforms
  • Perspective
  • 3D Transform Functions
  • Filp Cards
  • Backface Visibility

  • HTML5 Form Elements
  • HTML5 Form Attributes
  • HTML5 Form Validation Attributes
  • Patterns for Form Validation in HTML5

  • Embedding Google / Vimeo Maps
  • Audio / Video Elements
  • Audio & Video Attributes

  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Working with CDN Links & Advantages
  • Bootstrap Grid Systems & Terminologies
  • Glyphicons & Font Awesome
  • Bootstrap Classes
  • Bootstrap Image Classes

  • Bootstrap Forms & Modals
  • Bootstrap Scrollspy
  • Bootstrap Navigation
  • Bootstrap Carousel

  • JavaScript Introduction & Role as Client Scripting Language
  • Variables, Loops & Control Statements
  • Arrays / Array Sorting Methods
  • Creating Functions / Working with JavaScript Inbuilt Functions
  • Scope
  • Closures

  • Regular Expression
  • Form Validation
  • Events
  • DOM Methods
  • Manipulating HTML Elements using DOM
  • DOM Styling
  • Creating HTML Elements using DOM

  • Google Maps
  • Geolocation
  • Drag & Drop

  • Accessing XML Data using JavaScript
  • Accessing JSON Data using JavaScript

  • jQuery Introduction
  • jQuery Effects
  • jQuery Animate Function
  • jQuery Chaining
  • jQuery Callback Functions

  • Add Elements
  • Insert Elements
  • Remove Elements
  • Append Elements
  • Add Class
  • Toggle Class

  • Events Types & Event Handlers
  • Window Events
  • Form Events
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events

  • Accordion
  • Datepicker
  • Tabs
  • Slider
  • Progressbar
  • Autocomplete

  • Filtering
  • Tree Traversal

  • jQuery Ajax Methods
  • GET
  • POST
  • LOAD

  • Introduction to CMS and Word Press
  • Download and install Word Press
  • Download themes and customization
  • Categories and Tags
  • Multimedia in WP
  • Page vs. Post and its content type
  • Download and working with plugins

  • cPanel controls and options
  • Creating Database online using cPanel
  • Web Hosting
  • FTP Upload Options