Python vs Java :- What is the difference?

Python Overview

Python is a interpreted high level and object oriented programming language.Python is often used with new programmers or junior developers entering a data science and machine learning Technology.Python has excellent data processing libraries with Pandas and Dask, and good data visualization capabilities with packages such as Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Java Overview

Java is a general purpose,high level and object oriented programming language.Programming in Java can be easy because Java has many libraries built on top of it, making it easy to find code already written for a specific purpose.Java is used a lot for web development. It is more common among senior-level programmers.

Both languages can be used in API interactions and for machine learning.Java is better developed for building web applications.Python has a lot to offer Java developers, and the languages are interesting both in their similarities and their differences.

Both languages are compiled down to bytecodes that run on virtual machines, although Python generally does this automatically at runtime and Java has a separate program (javac) that does it.Many Java virtual machines (JVMs) have the ability to do just-in-time compilation of parts of the bytecode down to the native instruction set of whatever platform it happens to be running on, which can produce significant speed-ups.

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